Milka Alpine Cream

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on June 5 2008 | Leave A Comment

During Chocablogger Kath’s latest radio interview, a caller suggested that Milka wasn’t around any more because it had been “banned because of mad cow disease”. This is obviously not the case and Milka is still very much alive (in Europe at least), although here in the UK it can be a little hard to get hold of.

Needless to say I ran out and bought a couple of bars straight after the show. None of the shops near me seem to have it, but I found this Milka Alpine Cream in Waitrose in Brent Cross.

So what’s so special about Milka? The milk, of course!

Milka is one of those milk chocolates that’s incredibly creamy. This particular bar is even creamier because the filling happens to be cream flavoured too. You can’t see a great deal of difference between the milk chocolate and the filling, but the inside of this bar is lighter in texture than the smooth, 30% milk chocolate that surrounds it.

But it’s also particularly sweet. And while almost everyone likes Milka, if you were to eat this 100g bar in one sitting, you’d almost certainly make yourself ill. The last time I had Milka was sat around watching a movie with a group of friends, which was perfect. Everyone got a couple of chunks and nobody left feeling sick.

This is an utterly delicious bar. Its smoothness and creaminess are second to none. But if you’re the kind of person that eats a 100g bar of chocolate in one go, you might want to avoid this, simply because it’s so sweet. Milka is made for sharing.


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Comments On This Post

  1. lottie

    I love milka! excellent review,but I have to say I actually consumed a whole 100g of this last night and I was not ill. I wouldn’t have said no to some more!(but then I hadn’t eaten all day so that may have been why). I wish we could get more milka varieties over here. The selection we have is, quite frankly, PANTS

  2. Milka has been making huge inroads in the States. I used to only see it at the import shops, now they have it at big retailers like Target. I like the nutty flavor of it, like a much milkier giuaduia.

    (BTW – you have a typo in the title of the post … feel free to delete this note when you fix it.)

  3. Dom (Chocablog Staff)

    Thanks for spotting the typo – I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Either my eyes are failing or my brain is. 🙂

  4. Oh I wish we still had Milka here. I really loved their coffee version – it had a very creamy centre not unlike Lindor balls…

  5. Lyndon Thomas

    Just back from Menorca (two weeks ago) brought back with me eight very large bars of Milka but sadly its all gone. Need a cheap flight now as i’m desperate for more MILKA.

  6. u8mypinkcookies

    im not so fond of white chocolates, but when i eat one, i choose milka’s white chocolate!

  7. MILKAfan

    Milka.. It’s just.. Milka =Đ. Milka factory have the best.. Well.. Let’s just say the best tasted chocolate her araund. In Slovenia Milka’s NO.1! Well.. Maybe there are some fans of Gorenjka (Slovenians chocolate.. But it’s not as sweet as Milka.)

    Milka’s good taste – With lots of chocolate and lots of sugar. When you eat Milka, you just don’t think how unhealty it is.. The taste of it is much stronger and it just beats your mind. (If I can espress myself that way.)

    Milka it’s just like kinder – Their chocolate’s just so good. Lot’s of chocolate and lost of sugar =Đ

    (Sorry for bad grammer, I’m only 14 & don’t use english everyday.)

  8. Ivana

    Here, in the Balkan countries, Milka is everywhere, it’s not expensive and it’s probably one of the best chocolates here (I myself don’t like Lindt, it’s too bitter for me, but I can eat the whole 250g package by myself). My favourite is Milka M-Joy Whole-Nuts, but I love all of them equally.

  9. vania

    notify me iff you can export milka 100gr 0.42euro fob bulgaria and other milka items. Thank you.

  10. Dear SIR
    We are importation company in algeria ,we want to import milka ,pls provide us with prices list.
    Waiting your reply

  11. Abder

    Who can provide me with milka to dubai

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