Nestlé Milo Bar (South Africa)
Guest Chocablogger Natasha Faria is back with a look at the South African version of Nestlé’s Milo Bar.
I understand that Milo is sold pretty much everywhere except Europe, but as far as I know, South Africa’s Milo bar is different to Australia’s. Kath wrote about a Milo bar that included caramel a while back, and although we seem to share the same memories of Milo, the South African version is clearly better! *kidding*
Milo and its chocolatey counterparts are a mainstay of South African youth and varsity life, but I have never known Nestlé to present it in any manner other than the powder or the chocolate I’m about to describe. The slab is regular Nestlé milk chocolate, with Milo mixed in. Our Milo seems to be chunkier than that of Australia (Kath implied that theirs was pretty powdery), but I guess most things in South Africa are a little rougher than elsewhere. The slab is obviously left to settle, because the Milo is spread all over but mainly at the bottom of the bar.
Eating this kind of chocolate is pure heaven. I’m a chewing taster, but either of the chewing or melting approaches to tasting allows you to enjoy this. The crunchy, slightly salty and honey-flavoured taste of the Milo really complements the creamy Nestlé chocolate and I think the contrast of textures definitely works in the slab’s favour. So, either you chew and enjoy the crunchy, creaminess of this, or you let it melt in your mouth and just chew the left-over Milo after. Either way, it’s definitely a win-win situation.
In my humble opinion, our Milo slab rocks. However, I think that the simplicity of this bar wins over the Australian version, as does the fact that this Milo is rougher. I honestly don’t think that we need the addition of caramel to up the flavour quotient of this, and I challenge the Oz Committee to defy me!
- Contains milk chocolate.
- Filed under milk chocolate, milo, nestle, south africa.
Darn! I was in Australia FOUR MONTHS and despite seeing adverts for it, never tried Milo. I feel I’ve seriously missed out. 🙁
cant imagine milo without caramel but by the sounds of it its still nice
good review
The Australian version originally never had the caramel in it and it was much better. I wish it was still available 🙁
I preferred the original aussie milo bar to, no caramel, I find the caramel ruined it. Now I wait till I can get some milo chocolates in Singapore or malaysia for my fix (I especially like the milo nuggets).
I don’t think Australian milo is powdery either, it’s got a gritty texture, Singapore milo however is very powdery.
Still, nothing beats getting a cup, filling it almost to the brim with Milo itself, and putting just a thin line of milk over the top so that you can eat huge amounts of milo straight without your mother being any the wiser 😉
The chunky Australian Milo bar is a bit brittle and with a somewhat harsh texture. I love Milo straight from the tin on a spoon but the bar is a little disappointing. It is a somewhat clumsy contrivance…. a nice idea that is missing something.
I would like to know if you would be so kind as to sponsor us witha hamper or two for our annual ladies golf tournament at Zebula, near Bela Bela, South Africa.
We have between 110 and 124 ladies taking part every year, and we would appreciate if you could be part of our golf tournament. The event is played over 2 day with a prize giving party the 2nd night, where we show our appreciation by announcing all our sponsors.
The date for our next event will be 28 Febr – 2 March 2011.
Please be so kind as to let me know whether or not you would be able to assist us.
Tanking you kindly
Annetjie Rynners
Co-organizer: Zebula Womans Classic