Olza Prince Polo Classic

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on April 26 2009 | Leave A Comment
Olza Prince Polo

There must be something about wafers – something in the air, perhaps, or just a time for coincidences. The delightful Kath found the Kägi-Fret Coco and I’ve also reported on the Candy Canes Choklad Wafers recently.

So far, we seem to have a score of 1 out of 2 – Kath liked hers, I thought the Choklad Wafers were pretty ordinary.

With today’s discovery of Prince Polo, it will be interesting to see where we end up. I bought this one because the bright gold packet leapt out and smacked me around the eyeballs. A colour like this is hard to miss. That and having them piled up in a shop at the checkout meant that escape was impossible. And the name is kind of quirky and appealing as well. I wonder if there ever was a real Prince Polo, and what perhaps did he look like? Checking Mr Google leads me to think its just a name, but I am informed that this is Poland’s top-selling candy brand – owned now by Kraft, and it seems to have been made since 1955 (Doh! Hence the “od 1955 roku” on the label.)

At 39 grams, the pack is very light. There is almost no weight to it at all. Opening up, though, does reveal quite a pleasant surprise: there is actually a decent amount of chocolate covering the wafer.

Olza Prince Polo

Breaking the bar apart is a bit of a challenge, the wafer is very light but surprisingly tough, and so it squashes down a bit before breaking. That said, the effort is worthwhile – we can see a reasonable amount of filling between the layers of wafer. There is not any special aroma, so I was wondering what it would taste like.

Olza Prince Polo

The answer is: it’s pretty good. The chocolate is quite pleasant, nicely chocolatey, not too sweet (ah – mercy – thank heavens for that) and it complements the wafer well. The wafer is light, and very crunchy, and the filling is pretty good too. My major complaint about this wafer is that it isn’t big enough. It seems a larger size, marked “XXL” is available. At 52 grams that seems hardly to qualify as XXL to me!

The wafer score now reads 2 good out of 3 tried.


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Comments On This Post

  1. Dorota

    Yes.. we have quite good wafers. You ought to try also Grzeski (by Jutrzenka) & Princessa (by Nestle), various kinds. Oh, and WW (by Wedel), something like KitKat ;]

    Regards from Poland

  2. Hi!

    Getting Polish chocolate in Australia IS pretty unusual, but a shop nearby has some, sometimes. And some of it is pretty good! Another review is coming soon, I hope, one I really really really liked !

  3. Maggie

    OMG, this is exactly the stuff that we all used to eat during breaks at school. I was brought up stuffing my face with Prince Polo. They now come in different varieties, but I still think the classic one is the best.
    Try Princessa if you find it somewhere!

  4. Rachel

    I think it’s called XXL because most other Polish wafers are only 30 or 40g. 🙂
    Over the weekend I bought a Grzeski coconut and white chocolate wafer that was absolutely delicious, and a Princessa Hazulnut wafer that was so-so.
    Look out for them if you can, I would like to see what you think of them.

  5. Nammi-namm

    Here in Iceland Prince polo is so incredibly popular that they have there own Icelandic website http://www.prinspolo.is/

    I remember eating them all the way since I was 5 years old.

  6. Gigi

    I love the Prince Polo Hazelnut. I purchase it here in Kansas, USA at a small Turkish market/deli. I haven’t tried the other ‘flavors’, because I am totally hooked on the hazelnut. I need to find other places to purchase the bar since I moving farther away from the market/deli.

  7. please if someone knows any information about prince polo company or any warehouse sell it please contact me auid_2020@yahoo.com

  8. Mark

    You should have tried Prince Polo original receipt before KRAFT / ALTRIA purchased it! The last one I found was in a Canadian store back in 1992 I think. The pack was not air sealed, but just wrapper alu paper. I know some people who still remember the original taste. It was awesome! Believe it or not, the new one is just tasteless, and we have not found any other wafer similar to the original one…

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