Thorntons Dark Chocolate With Raspberry

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on September 7 2009 | Leave A Comment
Thorntons Dark Chocolate With Raspberry

The lovely people at Thorntons sent me a couple more blocks (actually they sent me a press release and I kind of demanded they just send me chocolate instead) and this particular limited edition block caught my eye. My attraction to pink packaging is starting to become worrisome…

The dark chocolate here is the same 60% Dominican Republic chocolate found in Thorntons’ award winning Macadamia block, and it’s every bit as delicious. It’s rich, smooth and intense without being overpowering.

I actually prefer this block to he Macadamia version, but as I mentioned in my recent Hotel Chocolat slab review, that’s mainly down to me being more of a fruit person than a nut person.

Thorntons Dark Chocolate With Raspberry

As you can see, the underside of this block is studded with small pieces of freeze dried raspberry. Like the box, they are bright pink in colour and give each chunk a crispy texture when you bite into it.

The raspberry flavour is wonderfully intense, building as the pieces hydrate in your mouth. This isn’t one of those generic fruit flavours, it’s unmistakably raspberry and tangy almost to the point of fizziness as the pieces melt.

I guess the closest competition to this block would have to be Thorntons’ own Milk Chocolate with Strawberry, which I thoroughly enjoyed. For me though, this wins hands down. The combination of the intense dark chocolate and tangy fruit works much better.

According to the PR blurb from Thorntons, this will be available for a “limited time” (how long, I don’t know) so at £1.79 it’s definitely worth sampling if you happen to be passing your local Thorntons.


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Comments On This Post

  1. I had to wait until I stopped blushing before replying to this wonderful review. We are honored to be spotlighted on Chocolate Blog. Your words are as smooth as chocolate!

  2. Dark chocolate (but not tooo dark, 60% is perfect) and raspberries are such a winning combination.
    So, Mrugesh and Thorntons, when are you shipping these babies to Australia?

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