Dalek Chocolate Cake
All the cool chocabloggers aren’t satisfied with Death by Chocolate. These days we demand Extermination by Chocolate with a dalek chocolate cake.
With the absence of 15inch tall chocolate Daleks in the shops, here’s one I prepared earlier.
There are two possible methods to follow with regard to this recipe; one. Read the following instructions or two. buy as many chocolate items as you can carry home in a large family estate car and simply make it up as you go along.
- Two 8 inch chocolate sandwich cakes (recipe here)
- Two Chocolate swiss rolls
- McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes
- At least 400g of milk chocolate. (buy more, you can never have too much chocolate)
- 100g bar of plain chocolate
- 100g bar of white chocolate
(you won’t need the full 100g, but hey..)
- Cadbury Flake*
- Cadbury Chocolate Fingers*
- Cadbury chocolate buttons*
- Smarties*
- Large box Maltesers
* You will require only a few of each of the above. I bought multi-packs, just in case.
Melt the chocolate in a dish over a pan of simmering water (take care kids!)
Cut about 1inch from around one of the chocolate cakes. Try to hold the knife at an angle so that the cake tapers, getting thinner toward the top
Now, stick the smaller cake on to the top of the uncut one. Anticipating a large and heavy cake I erred on the side of caution and used a large dollop of the melted chocolate to sandwich these together.
Cut one of the chocolate swiss rolls in half. Do the same with second swiss roll, and using just one of the halves, cut it in half length ways. Stick these four pieces together using melted chocolate (see photo)
Place the swiss rolls on top of the cake using, yes you’ve guessed it, melted chocolate, place a single piece of swiss roll on top of this and then start to cover the entire cake in melted chocolate. If you have the time, do this in layers, allowing one layer of melted chocolate to set before adding the next, and the next… I didn’t have the time so I poured the entire ½ thick chocolate on in one go. This proved rather frustrating as it continually gloops to the base.
Before the chocolate sets completely (I was slightly insane by this point) start decorating the cake to give it it’s Dalek features.
Place Maltesers in columns on the bottom half of the cake to form the skirt. Do Daleks wear skirts?
Use half a Cadbury Flake and chocolate fingers to make the sticky-out-bits, and put a chocolate button on the ends (using the good ol’ tried ‘n’ tested melted chocolate method)
Stack three Jaffa Cakes on top of the cake, followed by two stacks of three chocolate buttons. Add a Smartie to the top of the buttons.
Place a band of white chocolate squares around the neck. You could of course pipe some melted white chocolate to create a similar effect but time was running out for me; birthday boy was about to come home from school and there I was, covered in chocolate and I hadn’t even started on the proper party food yet.
Using melted plain chocolate, pipe details around the Dalek; stripes down the Jaffa cakes, and lines between the Malteser columns for eg. I made an effort to do this, but I know you can do better.
Leave to set in a cool place, then…
Exterminate!… exterminate!…
Mmmmm, that looks soooo good!!
I would have liked to have that cake at my wedding!
Oh my God! That is death by chocolate!! You are quite talented. Came to check you out from Dave’s.
If you ever check out my blog, look at my blogroll (the blue one) and check out Mitch’s Ice Cream Sunday. You could combine your chocolate with his ice cream and exterminate twice as many
chocolate decadance meets Dr. Who
sounds like my kind of evening
Brilliant and very British! Yum.
The true meaning of death by chocolate. A very cool cake.
I love the dalek cake and think I might have a go at making one myself, just great.
Came from Pound Perspective and what a great blog – my mouth is watering. It’s like being in “Charlie and the chocolate factory”. Did you know the author Roald Dahl originally comes from Norway?
Absolutely brilliant and I love the detailed pics! Ribbiticus from Pond Perspective got me to jump over here!
I’m already dying just looking at it – Can I at least lick out the bowl????
I think you need more chocolate.
Truly outrageous and very creative!!! I’m really enjoying this blog – will be back.
we had dalek cupcakes at our wedding. i made sure they were bride and groom daleks, though.
Wow Pam! They are fantastic! What a brilliant idea
This is simply amazing. I didn’t even think of that, and it reminded me of all the flicks I used to try to find before (on that subject ;)). Thanks for taking pics for the different steps; some people (ahem) would’ve never known what means what otherwise.
Fantastic – just the recipe for my son’s 6th birthday cake!!! Thanks
Hiya, Thanks for supplying your wonderful recipe, it’s wicked. I have just finished making it for my daughters birthday party tomorrow, it’s a lot trickier than it looks and I have to say mine doesn’t look as good as yours, but my daughters chuffed with it so well done on such a brilliant idea…and thanks for sharing it..you’ve made a soon to be 8 year old very happy
Hi Su – I am so pleased that your daughter is happy with the cake and I am sure yours looks far better than mine! Thanks ever so much for letting us know you gave it a go. Hope the party went well and lots of birthday wishes are being sent your daughter’s way!
This is fab! I was going to make a boring flat one. Hopefully mine will be arriving at a birthday tea tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!!
Believe it or not, this is not the first recipe I’ve seen for a Dalek cake. The DVD release of the Doctor Who story “The Dalek Invasion of Earth” includes a segment from Blue Peter back in the ’60s for making a Dalek cake. I seem to recall the crafting was similar in many ways (although not quite as…chocolatey).
Oh… my… goodness! Well done. Fabulous idea.
the darleck cake is not good because the face is wrong and the hole body is out of perpotion and they must be 3 years old to make that crap cake lol it is the worst cake i have ever seen perreored
I strongly dissagree, I tried it and made it, oh are you some sort of expert?
It’s pretty good – but the 3 Jaffa cakes should be UNDER the dome of the head and eyestalk… 7/10
I love Chocolate, I hate Daleks. What to do? what to do?
– awesome recipe – I still hate Daleks….
What a great cake!!! Can I have a piece?
I love it!
Reminds me mostly of the Dalekalike from ZX Spectrum classic Head Over Heels (http://www.duketastrophy.demon.co.uk/spectrum/specrevs/headheel/4.gif) Obvious, really.
Good stuff, and making me feel very hungry…
Oh. My. God.
I love it! I especially approve of the “buy as much chocolate as can fit in your car” approach to recipe-crafting.
I must make this for my birthday this summer.
Out of sight! I can’t wait to “exterminate” the Dr. Who fans in my home. Death by chocolate — what a way to go.
WOW! A three course meal in one easy step. Thanks!!
That looks so ace, totally making that for my Birthday party =D x
absolutely amazing – you have great imagination and patience and of course, a great love of chocolate!
that is just totally gorgeous, I think my husband wants one for his birthday he just sent me the link!
This is going right to my niece over in Glasgow.
I was over there recently, and my 7 y.o. grand-nephew is so into Dr. Who that he is actually creating, drawing and scripting Dr. Who comics.
Oh, and send Jaffa cakes.
I ate my stash.
WTF is a Dalek?
This is FANTASTIC!!!! Can I feature this at my website???? Please?????? Email me!!! lori@cocoajava.com
Just loving it.
Maybe you could post a photo of an original Dalek beside the chocolate one for comparison.
Extermi-cake Extermi-cake, We are the chocolate Daleks, you are in need of our ways. No mater how many of us you eat. Davros will bake more. Extermi-cake, Extermi-cake.
I’ve died and gone to heaven. Sighs dramatically. Chocolate must have chocolate.lol
Light and Love, Judith
I have got to make one or three of those!!! Can’t wait….will have to make one now!!!!!!!!
Oh, this is wonderful! Chocolate, and all the calories are pre-exterminated. It could not be better. I must build one.
It’s quite simply the Most beautiful cake I have EVER seen right I’m off I’ll tell you how I got on
I’m so stunned by the wonder of the cake that I don’t understand the instructions. Can you explain the bit with the swiss roll again please?
Oh, it’s ok, I get it now. Doh.
It looks like a 5 yr old made this cake, by far one of the ugliest cakes Ive ever seen, but atleast you slathered it with enough chocolate to make the fattiest fall in love, whats next? 40 Pounds of bacon Cake?
I had a dalek birthday cake when I was 10!
OH MY GOD… it looks soooo yummy, but then again it looks like a 3 year old made it and it looks like it will fall over!!! otherwise i would buy it or make it
i think it looks awful, my little sister could have made a cake better than that!
I want one! I want one!
This post has been nominated for a Hot Stuff Award at GNMParents.
Voting closes Friday
Good Luck
Great use of Doctor Who/ Chocolate based fun!
Made this cake for my 7 year old. It is his birthday today and he is taking the cake to his Beaver camp night so 15 hungry Beavers can devour it. It looks really cool and he is really pleased with it. Thanks so much for the idea. It was quite easy to make although the kitchen looked like a chocolate bomb had exploded by the time I’d finished late last night!
This is an awesome cake, & not as hard as id worried it would b! thanks so much! ive made it 4 a flatmates birthday 2morro & im sure shes gonna love it!
Great cake, gonna make mum cook it 4 my birthday since im such a doctor who fan.
that is truly fantastic, I am in awe!!!
was googling to find out how to make a Dalek cake for my 37 year old mate, and I hope I can make your high standards of fabulousness!!!
thanks for the ideas
Hi this cake is fantastic! You are very talented! I will have to try and make it one day!
great choco cake it must of had been hrd to make i wouldent mind having 1 of them for my self and my family but to much choco
I could not belevie wat i was seeing it is brilliant I might have one 4 my 11 it looks yummy i have told all my friends about it from kira XxXxX
my mouth was watering when i saw it i have showed my friend it she liked it 2 me and her might make one soon and if we do i hope that it come out like ur cake from kira:)
I made it and it was lovely!!!!!

This DALEK would beat DR WHO any day.Thanks.It’s soooo cool
and creative and fun to make.
i should make it for my sis birthday cos she loveees dr who but im afraid it will be exterminated before the big day ha!
Thank you for this recipe! My son is delighted with his birthday cake, and I am ridiculously proud of myself. Now, all we have to do is cut it up!
Hey loved the cake… me and my family love doctor who and i came across ur page. its fantasic
we have thought to do this for chirstmas maybe and put fake snow or sumthing round the bottom its the “Christmas Dalek cake” lol were going to eat it while watching the chrstmas special of Doctor Who..
luvv david tennant as the doctor, hope he never leaves
xXx Frankie xXx
he’s the best actor out of all of them so far very easy on the eye to mmm
just like the cake uh hmmm *laughs*!
awesome! Daleks Will Rule the galexey
Oh my gosh!
My birhday is in 24 days and I am soo making this cake,
you put me through torture by putting this up, because I’m on a diet, but I am soo making this for my b day, thanks for the idea!!!
mmmmmmm spent hours making this on fri for my daughters 3rd birthday party-shes told EVERYONE she was having a dalek cake. mine is massive,about 30 inches tall,and needed a bamboo stick to hold it in place.
only problem is i dont know enough people to help finish it-any takers??????
OMG that cake looks so cool my bro would luve it sooo much i think i’ll just have 2 make it for him but it looks way too hard!!!
That is the coolest cake I’ve ever seen. I must make it!
I’m gona try to say what I think. I’m brasilian and I think your cake is good, but here in state of Paraiba my wife make a choco cake better than this, and the secret is to control the level of sugar, but if you need more information better you lern brasilian portuguese cause she does not know read or speak english. So, aprenda portugues e veja o (look for) http://www.flogao.com.br/marilenemaroja
Of course we’re begining, but if you wanna talk about cakes, pies and salties call my e-mail http://www.maroja54@hotmail.com as a good brasilian I’ll try to understand you, but try to translate your text at first. And remember, never is too late to learn portuguese of BRASIL (NOT BRAZIL)
mmmmmmmmmm Chocolate Dalek
tried to find a dalek cake at every supermarket going ..no joy…will be making this tomorrow ..hope my son likes it!!!! .
awesome!!! extremely delicious!!!! hopefully someone will give me that kind of delicious chocolate cake!!!
Ingredients 5 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1-1/2 cups flour 2 squares chocolate 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon salt 2-1/2 teaspoons baking powder.
Method–Cream butter and sugar. Add yolks of eggs beaten until thick, then milk, and all but 2 tablespoons of the flour. Beat thoroughly, add melted chocolate and vanilla. Add remaining flour, salt and baking powder sifted together. Fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake in moderate oven.
For two sheets of cake, use three ounces of Walter Baker & Co.’s Premium No. 1 Chocolate, three eggs, one cupful and three-fourths of sifted pastry flour, one cupful and three-fourths of sugar, half a cupful of butter, half a cupful of milk, half a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, one teaspoonful and a half of baking powder.
Grate the chocolate. Beat the butter to a cream, and gradually beat in the sugar. Beat in the milk and vanilla, then the eggs (already well beaten), next the chocolate, and finally the flour, in which the baking powder should be mixed. Pour into two well buttered shallow cake pans. Bake for twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Frost or not, as you like.
it looks yummy!!!!!!!!!!!
it looks yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooooooooooooooooo m loving it………….
did you come up with this idea yourself?
i bet your son was thirlles with this!
me and my best mate stan have decided to make this for our very own dr who fan for her birthday ^o^ we can’t wait! it looks so fun!
thanks for all the great reicpes
we appreciate it!
love us
this dalek chocolate cake looked good but who ever made got know fuckin brains why make a cake like that are mad or somthing ur just showing of but really you twat ok and if you got anything to say email me back ok i thinbk uyour dalek chocolate cake was crap and looks like shit!!!!!!!!!!!
do ever make it again and i think you should delete it of the internet because nowone will never ever try the shit that you made ok
your sincerly
also i think you such a thick person all these people who using this idea is stupid because this lady or man is fuckin wasting our money on shit snidy thing like this i want to make it for mr dr who birthday i really like ^o^ give over u want to make shit thing like your rather cut a fresh cream cake on birthday than cook that pooooo!!
Think this is a brilliant idea for a cake, and despite what Mark appears to think, it is for children and not for some person who appears not to have any sense(Mark)and is obviously frustrated, has no sense of humour and seriously needs to get a life and a family. It is obvious that he does not have one otherwise he would find this as good an idea as any other. He ought to be deleted from the internet!!! EXTERMINATE-MARK! Keep the good ideas coming, I am going to make it for my son’s birthday and I am sure that he will love it…. thanks for the idea.
the darlek cake lookes awesome it lookes very tasty i am baking any cake i want for my gcse yr 11 i like the idea tnx and bye
Ya Mate.
We love it
we’re actually gonna make it for our mates birthday!
w’ll give u an update as we’ve dne it and say if its a sucess
Holy mama! I love it! If only you had some idea of my unhealthy Doctor Who obsession! Dalek in cake form – genius. Hope you don’t mind that I have blogged about it!
WOW thanks making tomorrow…in school….lol….wedding cake…grow up
I think the cake looks marvelous. Beyond my capacity in making sheet cakes! Maybe someday.
My bf would love it for his birthday. And to Mark, in the spirit of Christmas, I hope someone gifts you a dictionary. You certainly could use it!
I can’t believe the comments from Mark (above) – get a life. This is bit of fun, no-one is asking you to pay for it / eat it. If you had an ounce of sense, you’d see some people on here have made it for their children or other family / friends and it’s obviously gone down well. Don’t rain on everyone’s parade – just cos I’m not into Dr Who doesn’t mean I’m going to say it’s not good, cos I’m not an idiot. I think it’s great that someone has a) gone to the trouble of conjuring up an appropriate recipe and b) posted it online for the internet community to share.
Grow up.
Why not use a Tunnocks tea cake for a dome on the top?
i wonder how good it tasted
Lozza: That’s awesome!
that looks soo gooooooood!!!!
i want to make it so bad but it looks so hard to make.
i have a question…wat is it supose 2 be???
tht is wel gd looks hard tho gd luck huevas making tht lolz xxxx
That is SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This is so ridiculously cool. I’m going to make a vague attempt at doing this for my dad on Father’s Day. Thanks so much for sharing.
am attempting to make this tomoro for my husbands birthday! think ill wait for the choc to set then carve some grooves into it for some of the detailing. thanks for such a cool idea!
Now all you need is a tape recorder that automatically says
every few minutes. I had one that said it once every hour.
It went dead (or so I thought) and I was up at, what was it, like midnight. And it went off. Like a really loud Exterminate and then a dying screech, I got so freaked out I peed myself!!
I think your Dalek cake looks fantastic. My daughter is having a party on Saturday and I’m going to have a go at making one for her. I just hope it looks as good as yours. Thanks for sharing such a great idea.
Made this for my boyfriend’s 30th birthday, he loved it as did all our friends, it tastes very chocolatey and yummy and is also lots of fun to make without much difficulty. Thank you very much for posting it!
So cool! Even The Doctor would eat it!
Hi, I write for the Fandomania.com blog and just wanted to let you know I’ve featured your cake in an article there today! =)
Fandomestic: 10 Brilliant Doctor Who-Themed Cakes
that is awsome
go to google and type birthday cakes and press the first one and go down and look at the fabcake!!! cakes u will faint! they r gourgouse!
OMG!!! U can’t get any better. Doctor Who and chocolate cake (YUM)! THE best thing EVA!!!!!!!!!!
Hi , i have some questions about you desing
maybe you can give designer contacts?
I will be making this today in readiness for my sons 10th birthday party tomorrow…. I hope it looks a sfabulous as your one!
wow that cake looks amazing i would love to try it does it taste yummy
I’m having this for my birthday!!!!Oh yeah!!!!
This is just perfect! I asked my son today what cake would you like for ur bday and oh yes he said he wanted a dalek cake..i was thinking of popping to asda and cheating until i saw this…its fantastic…im going to try my best and make it, of course ive asked my friend to help..thanx for posting this, i cant wait to try and make it.
I totally agree with you
Very interesting recipe! Ive been searching the internet for a good recipe for Red Velvet cake without the bottle of red dye!!! Love the beet addition to this cake,
i love choclate………………………….:)
I made this for some of my university friends and they absolutely loved it – it looked surprisingly good too! Thanks so much for the recipe – what a fantastic idea!
wheyyyyyy (L) iloveyou xx
this website was no help at al omg! but the cake sounds lovely
to bad i am FAT!
very helpful site especially for learning students.
i like this cake !
yum yum….. very nice cakes……… i like it …… i need to eat ……. yum yum yum
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I made a Dalek birthday cake for my son, it’s not quite the same as yours, you can see it on my site http://chocolate-cake-recipe.org.uk/
He was very happy with it!
Thanks for sharing yours
You could stick a wooden skewer (s) down inside the fattest part of the cake to hold it together so it doesn’t fall over. Being very careful when you cut the cake……
OMG! If you used a pudding bowl to cook the main part of the cake ( you would only need one cake mix), and only one swiss roll, it would be much better. It would stand up straighter ( I have had to put 4 wooden skewers in this one to hold it all upright and together) also for the strips between the maltesers you could use licorice straps……
I would love to make Hungarian Kurtosh. Do you have a recipe and where can I buy the tubes to bake it in?
wow i love doctor who and you made the next best thing the cake is so appealing and i have no chocolate in the house try making a tardis cake lol
Hello there, if you’re interested to watch a brilliant videos of healthy chocolate recipes with easy to follow instructions,Easy Chocolate Cake Recipes gives you a fantastic advices for making the original,rich and healthy chocolate cakes!
I made this a while ago and have been meaning to send you the link to my own triumph (THANK YOU SO MUCH for the idea!) for ages. Sorry I only just got around to it now
This looks very messy
So yummy! Made this for my daughter and she loved it so much! EXTERMINATE!!!!
Wonderful, made for a friend and he exploded in disbelief when he saw it! Tasted like heaven too, I’m making it again for a relative!
My husband has requested a Daalek cake for his 80th birthday party. I did a web search and found yours. Wow, it is definitely the one for me!
Wot no ‘sink plunger’? All right, you probably didn’t have time to hold the choc button vertically on the end of the the finger for the chocolate glue to set! Great effort! Brings back birthday-cake-making memories including a Thomas the Tank Engine and a Space Shuttle orbiting the Earth.