Cadbury Old Gold

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on December 14 2007 | Leave A Comment

After giving Cadbury a good old bollocking for their disastrous ‘Desserts’ range, it is nice to be able to do a complete 180-degree turn and review their dark chocolate range.

Here in Oz it is released under the ‘Old Gold’ label and, compared to the mundane ordinariness of Dairy Milk, it really is a quiet achiever and good value for money.

Old Gold Jamaica

However the plain ‘Old Gold’ dark chocolate isn’t spectacular by any means, but it goes particularly well with another flavour combination. The perennial favourite of Aussie Dads everywhere, is Old Jamaica – Rum’n’Raisins. This is a real ‘winter’ chocolate best eaten after dinner over a game of Scrabble or whilst out camping.

The dark chocolate is on the sweetish side but somehow ‘sings’ to the rum-soaked (or artificially flavoured if I have to be nit-picky) raisins, ensuring a perfect combination. The chocolate takes its time to dissolve in the mouth before leaving the Scrabble-playing Dad with one last burst of rum when chewing the soft raisins. This bar is an Aussie favourite, and deservedly so.

Old Gold Macadamia

Old Gold Macadamia is a brash newcomer to the Old Gold Old Fellas stable and holds its own amongst the Old Gold Original Old Gold Rum’n’Raisin war horses remarkably well. Kind of like a ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ to Old Gold’s ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’ if you permit my foray into sci-fi nerdiness.

Once again, the sweetness of the dark chocolate complements the soft buttery flavours of the Macadamia*. If you didn’t read the label, the nuts almost taste like solid dollops of white chocolate which, in my opinion, wouldn’t be a bad flavour due to try some day.

A person with some self-control would probably consider this chocolate a bit too sweet to have much of, but that person isn’t me. This block is dangerously more-ish and by far the cheapest way to enjoy the money-making Macadamia nut than if you bought them on their own.

* The Macadamia nut is grown in tropical state of Queensland, Australia, often right alongside pineapple plantations. These nuts are not only renowned for being delicious, but hideously expensive, even down under. If you see a packet or tin of Macadamias in your hotel room’s mini-bar fridge, on no account eat them – with their base cost coupled with standard mini-bar mark up rates, they will end up costing you more than the room itself.


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Comments On This Post

  1. river

    Have you tried a block of Old Jamaica melted and stirred into a tub of vanilla ice-cream, then allowed to reset. When serving drizzle with a bit more plain Old Gold.

  2. jMo

    What does giving Cadbury a good old bollocking entail? I didn’t know that about Queensland. Do all the Côte d’Or bars come in those two inch pieces like the Lait Melk?

  3. Giving Cadbury a good old bollocking was regarding my previous article on their truly craptacular range called ‘Desserts’ available here in Australia. After suffering through ‘Boysenberry Shortcake’ and ‘Fudge Brownie’ I’ve yet to force myself to try their ‘lemon meringue’ flavour. And that’s a rarity for me – reluctance to eat chocolate!

  4. Simon

    I remember Old Jamaica and the pirates in the ads (“Don’t ‘ee eat it all up at once!”) from the 1970s. I’m not sure if it’s available in the UK, but I’d certainly like to see it come back. Good find Milly!

  5. This was one of my grandma’s favorite brands of chocolate. She would have some shipped over every year before Christmas. The macadamia was my favorite

  6. I just bought one of these to try, and its not bad. Very easy to eat way too much of it. If the cocoa were a bit higher and the sugar a bit lower it would be even better. It’s got a nice whiff of Rum as well. (Though I expect its not real rum in there 🙁 )

  7. Don Langston

    Nibbling on the macadamia nut bars between roadhouse while traveling in the outback made my drive so much more delightful. Combined dark choc , 3 fry ups a week , statins, and tourist walks i dropped 40 bad cholesterol points in 50 days

  8. Pete

    Anyone know whatever became Cadbury’s Guinea Gold Chocolate? I seem to recall it was a kind of smoother version of rum n raisins. It was my favourite chocolate but alas I haven’t seen it for many years.

  9. Steve

    Does anyone remeber a chocolate bar called a Guinea Bar? I lived in Melbourne in the early 70’s, and this was my favorite at the milk bar. Is Cadbury’s Old Gold the same thing?

  10. Gargi Sharma

    I love the Old Gold Almond dark chocolate. I have eaten a variety of chocolates from different countries but the Aussie Old Gold is in a league of its own.

  11. My daughter have been reading about Cadbury old gold dark chocolates.The reviews are fantastic and wants to really try it.Her husband is into liqueur taste.Where can I order or buy these chocolates here in the U.S.Thanks a lot…Elfe Bowerman

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