Conscious Chocolate ‘Love Your Heart Superfood’ Bar

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on October 3 2007 | Leave A Comment

Conscious Chocolate Love Your Heart Superfood BarConscious Chocolate is a young company producing a raw, healthy chocolate bars that can be eaten by anyone, regardless of dietary requirements. They produce handmade bars using organically certified Fairtrade ingredients, and the handmade touch extends to the packaging – greaseproof paper, recycled foil and recycled paper outer wrappers.

Emma Jackman (for it is she who makes the chocolate) has come up with a basic recipe for her bars, and produces variants by adding a variety of nuts, seeds, fruits and essences to her base, resulting in a total of ten different bars.

Emma lists her basic ingredients are as follows;
Raw cacao, Raw Cacao Butter, Raw Coconut Oil, Raw Agave Syrup, Raw Carob (all of which are organic), Himalayan Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper (which activates the chocolate), Raw cinnamon, Raw Vanilla, and finally love.

Having sampled the Best Ever Plain Bar, I contacted Emma and asked her if she’d like to send me some samples, which she very kindly did, so here’s bar number two – the Superfood bar. This one contains Blue-Green Algae and Maca and cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cayenne in addition to the chocolate mix.

Maca is a relative of the radish and the turnip, and grows in the Andes. It has a reputation as an aphrodisiac and (obviously) a superfood. Blue-Green Algae has been popular as a food supplement for quite a while. There are plentiful sources of information about each of these foods on the internet, should you wish to learn more. Obviously what we’re really interested in here is how it tastes.

I ‘tested’ this one out on three people. Personally I found the bar to have a slightly earthy taste which detracted from the otherwise agreeable taste of Emma’s chocolate base. However, my two co-tasters were very much in favour and were happy to polish off the bar on my behalf. Proof that taste is very much subjective.

As mentioned in my first review, this stuff is actually very good for you. Because the ingredients are raw and organic and prepared at low temperatures, the final product is rich in antioxidants and magnesium contains 300 nutritional compounds, and the sugars are 85% fructose.

I have to say that I prefer the Best Ever Plain Bar over this one, but having looked at the rest of the selection I’m very much looking forward to cracking open the next one.

Conscious is apparently also available at London’s Borough Market, by the way, so now you have two reasons to head down to London Bridge!


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