Darrell Lea Rocklea Road

Posted by in Chocolate Reviews on December 21 2009 | Leave A Comment

I was very pleased to have a visit from some friends who had recently been to Australia and Singapore, and they were kind enough to source me a few items for us to try together after dinner. From Australia, this ‘Rocklea Road’ is made by Darrell Lea, a family owned company who have been producing confectionery for over eighty years.

The ‘bar’ (it’s considerably more than a bar, more like a tray full) is made up of a peanut and toasted coconut base topped with ridiculously large, fluffy, sticky marshmallows which are then toped off with a milk chocolate that containes 29% cocoa slolids.

Just have a look at this.

Now unless you have a peanut allergy, hate coconut or cannot abide anything sweet (in which case, why are you reading Chocablog?) you’re probably wishing you had a piece of this next to you right now, especially if it’s a little before lunchtime and you’re reading this because you’re bored. I can think of several people who are going to be monstering this up for me very soon.

Taste wise, the base is rather good. The toasted coconut is plentiful, and so are the peanuts. In fact the whole thing is plentiful. It’s almost cartoon like in it’s over-the-topness. The sort of ludicrously large treat a comic book character tucks into at the end of an episode. Personally, I’m somewhat on the fence when it comes to whole peanuts and chocolate. I just think there are better nuts to partner chocolate. What inevitably happens is that you get through the sweet, gooey marshmallow and nibble you way through the coconut and chocolate base (which is almost biscuit-like) and then end up with a bit of chocolate and a mouthful of very bland peanuts. It’s almost like having to atone for all the fun you just had by eating something healthy straight afterwards.

Having said that, I did rather enjoy the piece I had, and not just for the wow factor. I couldn’t ever see myself eating this again (in fact I pretty much know where it’s going to end up) but as I said, there are plenty of people who would take one look at this and want it – all.

Darrell Lea have a very informative web site which also contains useful, informative and responsible information regarding nutrition. In fact, the company seen to be leading the way, with involvement in community projects, environmental awareness, and even supporting a wildlife charity. I get the impression that the family that runs the company are working hard to ensure they pay back into the wider community in a big way. They’ve also won a lot of awards and medals for their products.

Unfortunately not available in the UK as far as I’m aware. It would make a fantastic centrepiece for a child’s party or great sleepover munchies. I’m sure Aussie kids love ’em.


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Comments On This Post

  1. Now that does look like some pure yumminess!!!

  2. kathy

    Oooooh yeah baby!!! 😀

    This lil’ Aussie chick didn’t come across them until adulthood (the joys of living in rural Oz) and loves ’em, which is weird because i don’t ususally like rocky road in general as I find it a bit too sweet… but this? this i like!

  3. I LOVE the Darryl Lea Rocklea Road. They also do the best red licorice I’ve found anywhere, and although their chocolate is super sweet, it goes nicely with their scorched almonds. (Yes, I’m visiting my Oz home town for a week, and currently binging like you wouldn’t believe on all my old chocolate favs).

  4. Richman

    I’m confused – you say you enjoyed it but “I couldn’t ever see myself eating this again (in fact I pretty much know where it’s going to end up)”

    What does that mean?

    I’m not a huge fan of Australian chocolate, but I do love Rocklea Road. It is completely OTT and Scooby Snack-esque, and the textures and flavour are indulgent perfection. Now in three flavours! (dark choc, milk and white)

  5. What I meant was “The pieces I had were fun in an OTT way, but I’ll probably never buy one of these overly sugared monstrosities again.” Or something like that.

  6. John Smith

    im an aussie girl and growing up with probably a delicasy, rocky road. its the best fricken rocky road in the world well except for mine of course but far out it good. i dont have any problems with the whole nuts in fact i think it adds to the amazingness of it. you really dont notice the nuts until you start crunching it and even then you want more.

  7. Peter Bone

    My daughter used to send Rocklea road to me in England from Sydney
    My favourite confectionary.I am glad it is coming back
    Normal service will be resumed,thank goodness!!

  8. Peter Bone

    hallelua for Mr Quinn and Rocklea road

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