Mars Egg

Easter is approaching and that can only mean one thing. Egg and rabbit shaped chocolate confections! And of course, it’s our duty to eat as many as we can and tell you all about them.
Mars Eggs are available individually, but in order to er write a thorough review I bought a pack of three. *cough*
They are the bastard love child of a Creme Egg and a Mars Bar. I can’t be sure, but I imagine it was a particularly messy conception. However, this is a family site, so let’s not think about that too much – I certainly won’t be posting the photos of the event that I mocked up.
Instead, here’s a nice photo of the offspring, which I cut in two with a knife:

As you can see, each egg is really just an egg shaped mini Mars Bar. Inside the milk chocolate shell we have a layer of caramel and a layer of soft, malty nougat. Except the packaging here calls it “truffle” for some reason. I’m not sure if it’s actually different from the fluffy nougat layer in a proper Mars Bar, or if calling it “truffle” is just some kind of marketing experiment. But it tastes the same to me.
Overall, the egg is very sweet and quite sticky – but given this is a direct competitor to the Creme Egg, we can hardly complain about that. The odd thing for me was that the first bite tasted exactly like a Creme Egg to me. I think that’s just a case of my senses being confused by an egg that’s almost exactly the same size and texture as Cadbury’s offering. But I suspect it’s partly due to both offerings being mostly sugar.
As someone who will by the occasional Creme Egg, I liked this, but I’m not entirely convinced. Given the choice of the two on the sweet shop shelf, I’d almost certainly go for the Creme Egg. But if I were buying a selection of chocolate eggs, I’d definitely pick up one of these.
It’s not a Creme Egg killer, but it’s still pretty good.
- Buy it online from:
- Contains milk chocolate.
- Filed under egg, mars, uk.
How nice of you to write that…and thanks to google’s randomity i wound up on it just now when my dad brought a few of those home with him
The creme is supposed to be like sticky liquid, right?
well when i took a bite of mine i expected there to be some kind of liquid, but thanks to how long this shop in iceland keeps its stocks in, and the hot temperatures they keep stuff at the liquid was ineviteably gone “hard-ishy” but still melted in my mouth…and the egg itself tasted wonderfully
oh and yeah, thanks for writing the review
it was quite tasty and delicious, and so was the egg