M&Ms Orange
M&Ms always keep me on my toes. No, not because I’m overly sugared up and high as a kite on cocoa, but because they like to release new flavours with very little fanfare: normally they’re only spotted when one is trawling up the confectionery aisle at the supermarket.
This is how I’ve found the previously reviewed the delightfully welcome M&Ms dark (which are becoming a rare sighting), the equally nice M&Ms Mint (virtually extinct, so maybe I was the only person who enjoyed them) and the execrable M&Ms Mint Crispy (advertised by Pamela Anderson, who was inexplicably flown out here) which have most deservedly been dropped.
Lo and behold, I spotted a bright orange packet:
As with Ashleigh and Ginger, Kath and Orange go together like, well Kath and Orange – I love the combination. Whittaker’s do a gorgeous dark chocolate and orange block, as do Lindt and they both feature regularly on my ‘to eat and enjoy’ list. M&Ms are your classic snack chocolates that are great plain, peanut-ted and crisped and, when obtainable, peanut butter-ed. M&Ms have told me previously that they don’t have the equipment to make peanut butter M&Ms down under but clearly they can inject their plain ones with a bit of flavour and do that instead.
So how did these orange ones taste?
Delicious. Crackly crunchy on the outside before releasing a zing of orange chocolate that dissolved before the next handful of whites and orange discs were thrown in. They even had a pleasant orange odour when the seal was ripped into and with the chocolate being a minimum of 28% cocoa solids, it paired up extremely well. Hint to M&Ms – maybe this would go well in a dark chocolate M&M as well?
At the bottom of the bag, it cutely says, “No oranges were harmed in the making of this product,” but this is less cute when the ingredients are read at the back. The actual orange taste is via the emulsifier which is soy lecithin, flavour and salt. Oh. In the 200 gram bag I sampled, it listed each serving as 25 grams, but who are we kidding? My serving is 100 grams, but if we assume that you readers are far more controlled, let’s say a 50 gram serving (ie quarter of the bag) is more your style. If so, you’ll be taking in 10.4 grams of fat of which 6.6 grams of it is saturated. Not so good for cholesteroliacs like myself, but OK for those unaware or with good blood test results. As for the overal fat content, it’s actually nowhere near as bad as some chocolates (yes, Lindt lindor balls, I’m looking at you).
I hope this flavour sticks around, because they’re a good addition to the M&M stable. Just don’t fly out a perma-tanned Paris Hilton to launch them here in Australia, okay?
- Contains milk chocolate (28% cocoa solids).
- Filed under m&m’s, milk chocolate, orange.
Ooo… I am really curious about trying these M&M’s out.
They look and sound really good.
These do sound good,I may have to go searching for some…
They’re worth it. I mean yeah, they’re M&Ms so aren’t likely to be sprinkled atop a Matt Moran Masterchef dessert creation yet, but they’re good.
I remember trying these M&Ms in their very own chocolate shop in Las Vegas. My daughter was in heaven. Me?…I was totally mesmerized by the colorful display of chocolate. Wall to wall, literally.
Yes! I tried these a few months back (picked them up at Campbells Cash & Carry) and thought they were quite good. Glad they’re in regular supermarkets now (or perhaps they already were – I wasn’t actively looking).
I still wish they would release the almond ones in Australia. Those are my absolute favorites!
I love orange and chocolate so will definitely keep an eye out for these.
I’ve always loved the choco-orange combination. This one’s a winner! I’m eating it right now. Hope it sticks around longer too.
Me too, Kristel, because I’ve noticed that the Dark M&Ms have disappeared…. *Sob*
Canada actually has 70% chocolate M&Ms on the shelves on an ongoing basis, but we tend to miss out on all the other variations. Didn’t they make a mint version in the US last year too? I really wanted to try those…
I have once tried M&M Mint before.. Loved it! Sadly it extincts. Just found this blog entry because I am about to get M&M’s Orange
After having read this, I really look forward to my boss’s return from Australia! ^^
My daughter bought me some of these orange M & M’s in N. Carolina and I absolutely love them but I can’t find them anywhere in Ohio!