Ritter Sport Dark
It’s Ritter Time again!
Regular readers will know how much I liked Ritter Sport’s Cappuccino and Peppermint varieties, so it was with much anticipation that I unwrapped this 100g square of chocolatey goodness.
This one however, is a little different, being solid dark chocolate. From the word “Fondente” on the wrapper, I had half expected it to have soft centre, and found myself slightly miffed that it didn’t.
In fact, in a fit of disappointment, I used Google to translate the word fondente. You can imagine my surprise when Google came back and told me that “fondente” was German for “Duck Rear”.
Now I was starting to worry about what exactly was in the bar and checked the ingredients. No mention of ducks. Or any other avarian posterias.
Satisfied that Google was lying to me, I relaxed and started enjoying the chocolate. This is 50% cocoa solids, so it’s not as bitter as the Green & Black’s Dark 70% I reviewed a while back. It has none of that aftertaste you sometimes get with dark chocolate, and is very smooth.
It’s also very moreish. I’d polished off the whole bar in five minutes – and I wanted more. And that’s my only real complaint about this bar. There’s just not enough of it.
So, if anyone from Ritter happens to be reading this, I have a suggestion. Instead of making your chocolate bars in 100g squares, you should make them in 1000g cubes… and then send them all to me.
- Buy it online from:
- Contains dark chocolate (50% cocoa solids).
- Filed under germany, ritter sport.
this is a very intersting site abt chocolate
im trying to find where i could purchece a chochlate. i was givin one of these ritter sports chocolate by an old stranger. he stated “something sweet for someone sweet”. the packaging says, ritter sport dark chocolate 50% cocoa net wt. 3.5 oz. (100g). now i cant find this label on any of the chocolate bars advertize on the internet from ritter sports. so can some one help me find where this chocolate is from?thanks
i’m from germany and i only want to say that there are 250g bars here. Are there the big bars at you, too?
Lulu: I’ve not seen 250g bars here in the UK, but Ritter isn’t that widely available anyway. I’ll look out for them though!
I tried my first Ritter two days ago. I’m in West Africa, and I had never seen or heard about Ritter till i ran into in the sweets section of of a large store. The packaging was cute,although nothing was written in English and there was no nutrition information (i knew i was about downing 500 calories though). Anyway I did the Edel Bitter (70% cacao), cause i hear dark chocolate is good. I daresay i couldn’t stop till i was done with the entire 100grams. I look forward to trying out other flavours. Cool discovery for me!
can u tell me where u bought tat dark chco
I recommend this chocolate very strongly!
Ritter Sport Halbbitter is the finest tasting chocolate in the world! Target used to carry it and then they dropped it. I think Americans seeing the term “bitter” in the title are put off by that. Ritter should adopt the English term “Semi-sweet” instead. Of course if they did, not even Target could keep the shelves stocked. It’s heaven!
You can get these in Lidl
The perfect combination of bitter and sweet. My fave.