Chai Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Chai.
Wei of Chocolate Wei Happy
I am pleased to say that I have finally found a chocolate maker in Phoenix. I discovered Wei of Chocolate at a farmer’s market, educating passers by about how to get the most nutrition-wise out of your chocolate. After sampling …
Whittard’s Chocolate Chai
From the Whittard’s chain, makers of disappointingly sugary drinking chocolate, comes an alternative to the Yogi Tea chocolate chai I came across last year. The bag is full of cocoa shells, cinammon, cloves, cardamom pods and peppercorns, to name but …
Dagoba Chai
This bar was approached with a fair amount of trepidation after the severe disappointment of Dagoba’s 68% cocoa-content dark chocolate with hemp seeds. Was this one destined to go the same way? After all, it was starting a few steps …
Theo Chai Tea
Can I love these Theo Chocolate people even more? This is a fantastic range of flavors. It doesn’t seem to get too in depth about the mystic flavors of the cacao bean; it just tastes amazing. I was able to …
Starbucks Chai Truffles
Being curious to sample more from Starbucks, I fed a recent obsession with Chai tea by picking these out. There were ten total truffles. The box-container they’re in is unique, and while it wouldn’t be great for a present, it …