Mars Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Mars.
Personalised M&M’s
Personalised M&M's printend with your loved one's name for Valentine's Day.
American Heritage Chocolate
I feel so American right now, and I’m not even being sarcastic. When I learned I would be getting some American Heritage chocolate in the mail, I thought, oh, cool, I like historical approaches. When I got my box and …
Canadian Mars Bars
Being of a certain age, I remember when Mars Bars were gigantic. I mean seriously big. So big that getting to the end of one could have potentially bring upon a diabetic coma. And they only 10p too… To be …
Galaxy Bubbles
It seems the folks at Mars UK have a bit of a thing for Galaxy at the moment. Not only have we just seen the relaunch of that 70s classic Galaxy Counters, but now it seems they want to steal …
Galaxy Counters
Galaxy Counters – a blast from the past, reincarnated in sexy new packaging. Well, I say ‘sexy’. It’s really just a plastic pouch, but it’s a step up from what we used to have in the seventies. Clearly they were …
Mars Hot Chocolates
It’s not every day that you get a delivery from Mars, so I was quite looking forward to seeing what was inside the Martian jiffy bag that arrived on my doorstep. What we have is four varieties of hot chocolate …
Strawberried Peanut Butter M&Ms
Strawberry flavour peanut butter M&Ms.
Galaxy Cookie Crumble
It’s been a while since I’ve had any Galaxy, so I thought I’d give this one a go. If you don’t know Galaxy, it’s a smooth, sweet, creamy milk chocolate sold by Mars in Europe and roughly equivalent to Dove …
3 Musketeers Raspberry Minis
This limited edition Raspberry flavor is going to be available for Easter this year. Looks like it’ll only be released in these 42-piece bags of Minis. Half of the spring-style wrappers are silver, with the other half a solid pink. …
3 Musketeers Mint
Dark chocolate with a fluffy mint flavoured filling.
CocoaVia Original Bars
There are a lot of strange things on the shelves these days. Although I’m all for organic or raw chocolate, “healthy” chocolate is another story. So I picked up this box more out of curiosity than anything else. The chocolate …
Twix Peanut Butter
After reading Simon’s Twix White review, I spotted this variety. Apparently, it’s been around here in the US for a while, but I’d never tried it. The format is the same as a standard Twix, but with peanut butter instead …
Twix White
I purchased this in Spain but the wrapper is printed in German and I’ve yet to see this albino Twix in the UK. Perhaps it’s going to be a ‘Snow Twix’ Xmas gimmick? Oh, and if it wasn’t before but …
Twix Caramel Latte
I know: I’ll apologise now. We have Simon finding us such rare treats as cedar sap chocolates and stuff from Slovenia, Dom showing us how to make a decent hot chocolate drink and Deanna showing us that the US is …
Mint-Tastic M&Ms
Mars Confectionery Australia continue to puzzle me, they really do. Whilst they won my heart with their introduction of dark M&Ms (now and always a Lockett family pantry staple); they stomped on it again when they said that they didn’t …
Australian Mars Bars
It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten the classic Mars Bar and had noticed the new variety, Mars Rocks, appearing more frequently at the supermarket and petrol station as well. Because the number three is my personal lucky number, …
A relative newcomer to the Aussie ‘lite’ chocolate bar scene, Fling is made by Masterfoods (Mars). The blurb on the packet purrs, ‘Why have a full on chocolate affair when you can have a fling?’ and describes itself as ‘A …
Mars Egg
A Mars Bar in the shape of an egg.
Milky Way Crispy Rolls
These have been around for quite a while, but I’ve never really had the urge to buy them, primarily because they look so… insignificant. This small pack containing two “rolls” weighs just 25g. Of course, the weight (or lack of …
Somehow, we haven’t managed to review Galaxy here on Chocablog yet. We’ve done several of its variations (Galaxy Ripple, Galaxy Caramel, Galaxy Vanilla Heaven, Galaxy Minstrels), but not plain old Galaxy. Well, Mars have recently changed the recipe and design …
Galaxy Ripple
Recently, LindtLover asked us to review Galaxy Ripple, so we decided to scour the shops looking for one. Actually, it wasn’t that difficult – my local newsagent had them, but I’d somehow managed to overlook them until now. Galaxy Ripple …
M&M’s M*Azing Peanut Butter Bar
Guest Chocablogger Terry Scannell is back with something a bit nutty… I’m actually not quite sure what the official title of this bar is. The wrapper is a mish-mash of words, the words ‘now even better chocolate!’ always make me …
Crispy Mint M&Ms
Photo by redphayze It breaks my heart to include a word like ‘mediocre’ when writing about chocolate, but M&Ms deserve a rap on their Australian-subsidiary knuckles. Last year sometime, M&Ms Australia went to considerable trouble and expense to fly over …
Mars Bar
A year of Chocablogging, and we’ve somehow managed to avoid reviewing the granddaddy of all chocolate bars – Mars. Well, today I’m going to rectify that. First off, I do need to explain to our American readers that what you …
Here, clutched in my overworked hands is one finger of Twix. One individual chocolate covered caramel and biscuit finger. A single bar of pleasure… A solitary slab of delight. Restricted in its own individual wrapper it is separated from the …
Chocolate covered malt balls.
Peanut M&Ms
Chocolate is a complicated and confusing thing. Take these Peanut M&Ms for instance. M&M’s are quintessentially American, of course. In fact, they were only introduced into the UK in the 1990s. Yet they’re a thoroughly British invention. During the Spanish …
Galaxy Vanilla Heaven
This recent UK heatwave is not only melting my chocolate but it’s forcing me to look at alternative ways to get my chocafix. Don’t get me wrong, even on the hottest days, when my choc du jour has melted beyond …
Milky Way
After reviewing Revels the other day, I thought it would be a good idea to review my other childhood favourites. All in the name of science, you understand. But firstly, a quick note to our American readers. What you know …
There are certain chocolates I loved when I was a kid that I still love now, but feel slightly awkward buying — simply because I’m not 10 any more. Luckily, now I have an excuse. I’m a chocolate reviewer! I …
Snickers Duo
Late last year, Mars announced somewhat triumphantly that they would be discontinuing their king sized ‘Big One’ Mars and Snickers bars due to public concerns about obesity. But what they did next was a master stroke – they simply chopped …
Bounty Bar
The classic milk chocolate & coconut bar
Mars Delight
Sometimes (not often), I think there are just too many different kinds of chocolate to choose from. Today is one of those times. The wrapper calls it “Milk chocolate with a rippled wafer surrounded by caramel cream and chocolate cream”. …
Galaxy Caramel
48 grams of heaven. That’s what this is. Which is just as well, as the guy in the shop is obviously becoming concerned by the volume and diversity of chocolate I’ve been consuming lately. Luckily, he hasn’t called Chocaholics Anonymous …
Mars Flyte
I’m not entirely sure I approve of this. The people at Mars / Masterfoods were obviously high when they came up with the idea for this because it’s a chocolate bar aimed at dieters. “Taste the Chocolate… skip some fat” …