Swiss Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Swiss.
M&S Swiss Chocolate Extra Fine Dark
Last time I reviewed a Marks & Spencer chocolate, it looked like they were trying to copy a well-known brand, only their version came out not-quite-as-good-but-more-expensive. This time around, the product being copied isn’t as obvious from the packaging, but …
M&S Swiss Chocolate Extra Fine Mountain Bar
I was quite excited to find this bar in M&S Simply Food in Marylebone Station earlier this week. Not only is it an obvious Toblerone rip-off, but it also looks uncannily like the Mahony bar that Kath reviewed a couple …
After doing a radio spot about chocolate recently, the show’s producer took me aside and said, “Have you seen the new Mahony bar in your shop yet? I found some when I was up in Darwin and it’s cheaper and …
Lindt Swiss Classic Double Milk
Lately, I’ve been amazed at the rate it which Lindt have been able to churn out new and interesting products. Their range seems to be growing on a daily basis. Even my little local corner shop has a whole shelf …
Lindt Swiss Classic Double Milk
Once more unto the Lindt dear friends – only this time I’m straying from my usual path and trying out a milk chocolate bar. When I first spotted this one, I was reminded of the Petits Desserts series – a …