Weird Archives
Here are all the posts on Chocablog tagged with the term Weird. Chocolate Coated Giant Ants
Can you tell what it is yet? After my review of the chocolate coated worms and crickets was published, Chocablog reader Amy kind of dared me to review these. So I did. For about a pound a go (plus postage) …
Le Whif Chocolate Inhaler
This certainly counts as one of the weirdest things I’ve “reviewed” on Chocablog. An inhaler – presumably for chocaholics who want to cut down. Cutebitz, the people who sell this thing, sent me a raspberry chocolate flavour one to try …
Unusual Chocolate Stuff
Having been blogging about chocolate for over 2 years, we’ve seen some pretty unusual things, but here’s a list of 12 odd & unusual chocolate items for your amusement. Why there’s 12, I don’t know. Maybe 10 just wasn’t enough. …